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Yves Rocher


our job opportunities




Our 40 stores located in Quebec, are led by a team of Yves Rocher brand ambassadors for our customers. Through their product knowledge and personalized approach, we believe our teams make a difference in the lives of people who come to our stores.

  • Beauty Advisor;
  • Esthetician;
  • Assistant manager;
  • Manager.
Discover our job opportunities

I have been a store manager at Yves Rocher for over 8 years. At Yves Rocher, we feel respected, recognized for our true value and as a person in our own right in the eyes of the company. I also participated in the tree-planting activity in collaboration with the Yves Rocher Foundation. It is at this moment that I realized the real impact of the company’s commitment to the environment and to a greener future. It is your turn now to be part of the beautiful Yves Rocher’s family.

Annie Charbonneau




Every day, our teams are committed to ship our products across Canada and to our stores. Combining speed, quality, customer satisfaction and safety, our operations colleagues also understand logistics and quality insurance. The reliability of their forecasts allows us to ensure the reception of our products in time to meet demand.

  • Warehouse clerk;
  • Lift driver;
  • Supervisor;
  • Responsible for logistics;
  • Responsible for quality and regulatory affairs.
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After 25 years of work, Yves Rocher is the company that have offered me the opportunity to evolve and grow by allowing me to work in various departments, the Rocher Group has enriched my career. I’m proud to be part of this organization.

Jaime Adame




Creative, autonomous and dynamic, our marketing teams are pursuing ambitious goals to promote the brand, attract and retain our customers. Collaborating with many departments, team spirit and rigor are key skills to succeed in these positions.

  • Project manager;
  • Campaign manager;
  • Product manager;
  • Marketing Coordinator;
  • Marketing strategy and content manager
  • Business analyst;
  • Data analyst.
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I work at Yves Rocher as a CRM and Client Intelligence Analyst. My role is to try and better understand our customers to offer solutions that will allow them to better identify with the brand. I have the opportunity to collaborate with several departments within the company and to address their problems by providing concrete solutions based on my analysis.

Antoine Aurel




Our Digital and E-Commerce team ensures the proper functioning of our websites in order to generate a positive and enriching experience for users. On the lookout for innovations, our specialists discover the opportunities offered by the digital world.

  • Digital project manager;
  • Digital media specialist;
  • Marketplace project manager;
  • Digital merchandising manager,
  • Webmaster.
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I love going to work knowing that every day will be different! Some of my tasks are recurrent, but most of them require me to adapt to new technologies or functionalities of our site, changes in our customer habits and new product launches, for example. I enjoy tackling each of these challenges with a great team, we help each other a great deal to think up new ideas.

Estelle Marx




Our Finance team acts as a true business partner for all departments. With their in-depth knowledge of financial data and operations, this team inspires confidence in the resilience and tenacity of the Yves Rocher brand.

  • Accounting clerk;
  • Accounting analyst;
  • Financial Analyst;
  • Financial Controller.
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I have been the Accounting Chief at Yves Rocher for more than 15 years. I love my job because it’s very diverse and allows me to contribute my knowledge and expertise to different projects relating directly or indirectly to accounting. There are always challenges, which are very stimulating and rewarding. At Yves Rocher, we feel respected, listened to, and recognized. I’m also very proud to work for a company that has been in business for over 60 years and that cares about women and environment.

Kathleen Pothier

Human Resources


Human Resources

The human resources team is there to support all employees. From the candidate experience to the employee experience, the human resources team ensures the personal and professional well-being of all, their career development as well as the efficient processing of payroll and benefits.

  • Human Resources Advisor;
  • Responsible for payroll and benefits.
Discover our job opportunities

What surprised me most when I started at Yves Rocher was the diversity of cultures, the sense of belonging and the willingness to constantly improve. We feel like a family, and mutual respect prevails!

Sawab Dine Adjibi

A day at 
Yves Rocher North America

3 reasons
for joining us

Choose team spirit

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  • Adopt a positive attitude
  • Collaborate with others within and outside your team
  • Keep an open mind

Choose social responsibility

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  • Be an ambassador of the brand and values by setting an example
  • Participate enthusiastically in company initiatives
  • Meet the expectations of employees, customers and partners in terms of CSR

Choose ambition

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  • Challenge the status quo in a positive way
  • Thinking creatively
  • Dare to bring ideas forward

At the end of 2019, the Rocher Group became the first mission-driven company, as defined by the French PACTE law. This means we have officially enshrined our raison d’être and mission in our bylaws.

Our mission: we act to reveal, protect and transmit the power of plants.

We are botanists. We are harvesters.
We are manufacturers. We are distributors.
Yves Rocher

A locally 
committed company

The annual tree
planting activity

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The annual tree planting activity

Thanks to the annual tree planting activity, in support of the Yves Rocher Foundation, our subsidiary planted more than 350 000 trees.


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From fall 2023, all our stores will be redesigned to highlight our brand commitments to product quality and to the planet. Plastic materials will be replaced by more noble materials such as wood and cardboard. Our solid cosmetics product line will also be highlighted.

Planter garden
on site

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Planter garden on site

In June 2023, a planter garden was inaugurated on our grounds thanks to the work of head office and distribution center employees. The planters were built using recycled wood from our warehouse pallets.

Cigarette butt

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Cigarette butt recycling

Since September 2020, Ms. Emily Fossatty, a member of the logistics team, has been collecting cigarette butts from our grounds so that they can be sent to a partner company for recycling. Since the beginning of this initiative, more than 22 lbs have been collected in order to protect the environment.

Nature is my guide,
I just followed it.
Yves Rocher

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Yves Rocher North America

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