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Yves Rocher
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Eau de toilette

Looking for a new scent that will help you make a powerful impression? Say no more! Formulated with a variety of natural ingredients, our eau de toilette for men will leave you feeling refreshed and invigorated. Choose from a variety of scents, including Ambre Noir, Cuir Vetiver, Bois de Sauge, and more. Also, discover our sets which include a men's fragrance and a shower gel for a refreshing experience. If you're on the hunt for a more feminine fragrance, take a look at the selection of eau de parfum for women. Our bestselling Garden Party scent will leave you feeling floral and fresh, whereas Sel d'Azur will remind you of the sea with notes of salt and citrus. We also have a selection of eau de toilette as well as hair and body mist. Go take a look, you'll be sure to find a scent you adore.

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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