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Yves Rocher

Our special offers

Our Current Promotions

Cyber Monday Offer

For a limited time only, enjoy FREE SHIPPING on all orders.*

CLEARANCE 50% off a selection of products


50% off a selection of products

Last chance on our selection of perfumes, body & bath, face care products & more at half-price. Limited quantities!

FESTIVE OFFER 2 gift sets for $50


2 gift sets for $50

Take advantage of this special Cyber Monday offer on a selection of body care & hair care rituals!

Pick your kitsPick your kits
CYBER MONDAY 30% off 500+ products*


30% off 500+ products*

Our whole website is basically on sale*! Get your Holiday shopping done early & enjoy free shipping on all orders*

Featured selection 

  • Best of face care
  • Trending perfumes
  • Conscious Gifting