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Yves Rocher

A face care worth over $50 awaits you with love and attention.

Reference: FC844

Botanical ingredient

Nasturtium & Tetraselmis Micro-Algae

Revitalize and detoxify skin

Yves Rocher scientists have developed a uniquely effective complex of active ingredients by combining Nasturtium grown using sustainable farming practices on our fields in La Gacilly with a Tetraselmis Micro-Algae extract grown in a photobioreactor in Bretagne, two methods of natural and responsible farming that they have been optimizing and mastering for over 25 years on our land in Bretagne.

Deep within the skin, Micro-Alga and Nasturtium, two patented* Breton plant extracts, revitalize and detoxify skin**. Ingredients sourced from local suppliers that respect the biodiversity.. Better oxygenated, fortified and strengthened, skin is healthy and glowing.

*Registered patent in France
**In vitro tests

Nasturtium & Tetraselmis Micro-Algae
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