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Yves Rocher

Immediately, skin is saturated with water. For 48h *, it is intensely moisturized for a fresh, radiant complexion and plumped skin.

  • Skin type : Normal to combination skin.
  • Texture : Cream - Gel.
  • Benefits : Skin hydration.

Whyedulis cellular water ?

Its triple moisturizing action will store water at the core of skin **, diffuse it to all layers of the epidermis and limit its evaporation for continuous hydration.

Results :

+108% - immediate hydration ***
+58% - hydration 48H after applying ***
92% - claim that their skin is more supple ****
83% - claim that their skin is instantlyhydrated ****

The recycling guide :

Put the tube in the recycling bin with its cap on.

* Clinical study on 22 women, 48H result after 2 weeks of twice-daily application.
** In vitro tests
*** Objective clinical study using corneometry carried out on 22 subjects
**** Consumer survey carried out on 106 subjects

Reference: FD690

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