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Yves Rocher

All answers to questions about our offers

What are the on-going offers and promotions?

To find out about all our on-going offers and promotions, we invite you to check out our Promotions page. We are preparing lots of offers and surprises for the Sales, Black Friday, Mother's day or even Valentine's day!

To received all our offers in exclusivity and special privileges, you can subscribe to our newsletter. Receive a 10% discount for your first subscription!

How to use my privileges and promotions?

You received a promotion by email? You can use your offerwhen ordering by entering your coupon code in your basket. Enjoy shopping at Yves Rocher!

How to get my free gift?

With any order, you will receive a gift to thank you for your purchase. Discover the on-going offers by checking out the Gifts page. You can then choose among the available choices in your basket!

You can also receive an additional gift depending your the amount of your order and/or with a coupon code: please refer to the offer conditions for more details.

Note: Please note that the minimum order amount is $15. One gift per order, while quantities last.

How to sign up for the Yves Rocher newsletter?

To receive our offers in exclusivity, get privilege discounts and know about what's up, you can subscribe to our newsletter by filling your information in the subscription form. Receive a 10% discount with your first subscription!

Why are the online prices different than the ones of my catalog or of my store?

The offers available on the website, in store or in the catalog are different and cannot be combined. Please refer to the conditions to know more about your elligibility to these discounts and gifts. You are free to choose whichever offer will suit you the most of course ; enjoy your shopping at Yves Rocher!

Can I use my loyalty card for an online purchase?

Unfortunately, no. Your loyalty card is only valid for your purchases in store as of yet. Your points will not be calculated for your online orders.

However, you will be rewarded for shopping with us with discounts and privileges when you subscribe to the newsletter. Sign up by filling in the subscription form or from your personnal account!

Produit ajouté à votre wishlist.Voir ma wishlist.