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Yves Rocher

Have you heard of Labrador Tea?

Also called Hudson's Bay tea, Labrador tea comes straight from Canada and is packed with skin-loving properties. Our latest discovery!

The leaves of this small shrub found in the boreal forest of Canada are harvested in the black spruce forestland of its native Quebec where it grows in thick clusters.

Picked with a scythe in the summer, it boasts a long list of properties from therapeutic to purifying to aromatic. It has an ingenious way of seamlessly interacting with its environment and a singular ability to restore its balance. It's an even more surprising ingredient because it has never been used in beauty products before!

A first in the cosmetics industry, this exclusive active ingredient was entirely developed by Yves Rocher Laboratories – from selecting top-quality leaves to producing the extract – and is patented* in France for its action on oily skin. This ingredient is actually the ultimate skin remedy! The proof is in our Sébo Végétal Flawless Hydrating Gel Cream with its natural lightweight formula that absorbs into your skin in the blink of an eye! The result? It has balancing powers that work deep below the skin’s surface to control shine. On the surface, it stops blemishes and polishes the skin.

It's the star ingredient in the Sébo Végétal line and also comes as a scrub, a mask, an essence and lots of other products that we’d love you to explore!

*Patent pending

Now tell us about your favorite product in this new skincare line!


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