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Yves Rocher

Do you need an eye care which nourishes and smooths your eye contour area?

The Precious Oils, rich in anti-aging benefits, are directly absorbed by skin leaving it looking regenerated.
Subtly combined in your Comforting Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream, it intensely nourishes the eye contour and smooths wrinkles.

-Day after day, wrinkles around the eye contour area are smoothed.
-After 1 month, under eye bags appear reduced.

The Plus: a soft texture, ideal for the delicate areas.

-Skin appears nourished and regenerated for 80%* of women.
-Under eye bags appear reduced for 73%* of women.

0,47 fl. o.z. / 14 ml Tube.

*Satisfaction test carried out on 103 women during a 4-week period.

Reference: FD599

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