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Yves Rocher

This fresh gel moisturizes and brightens the eye contour. Under eye bags appear reduced.

  • Skin types : All skin types.
  • Texture : Fresh gel.
  • Bénéfices : Skin hydration.

Why edulis cellular water ? 

Its triple moisturizing action will store water at the core of skin*, diffuse it to all layers of the epidermis and limit its evaporation for instant hydration.

Results :

+15% - immediate hydration**
96% - claim that their eyes appear  brighter****
93% - claim that the product reduces signs of fatigue****
91% - claim that fine lines caused by dehydration appear to be smoothed out ***

The recycling guide :

Put the tube in the recycling bin with its cap on.

* Tests in vitro 
** Objective clinical study using carried out on 21 subjects
*** Objective clinical study carried out on 22 subjects
**** Consumer survey carried out on 45 subjects

FREE gift with any purchase over $70!*

Reference: FD959

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