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Yves Rocher

Cleanser : Purifies skin and eliminates impurities.
Scrub : Unclogs pores and reduces the appearance of blemishes.
Mask : Regulates the production of sebum for durably mattified skin.

  • Skin type : Combination to oily skin prone to blemishes
  • Texture : Thick with exfoliating grains
  • Benefits : Unclogs pores and reduces the appearance of blemishes.

With mint and charcoal ? Yes, but with Refreshing Organic Peppermint grown using an agroecological approach in our fields at La Gacilly and charcoal from botanical origin.

Results :

95% - claim that all the impurities in their skin are eliminated.*
94% - claim that their skin is gently cleansed.*
93% - claim that their skin is purified.*
90% - claim that their skin is clear.*

The recycling guide :

Put the tube in the recycling bin with its cap on.

*Consumer survey carried out on 104 subjects

Reference: FD815

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