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Yves Rocher

With its concentrated formula, this shower gel is a real cosmetics innovation, it provides you with 40 showers in a compact bottle - as many as a regular 400ml bottle!

It is also less product used every time you take a shower for the same beauty result. By using this product, you help respect the planet.
In addition, its mango fragrance leaves a pleasant and energizing scent on your skin.

Its + : The valve cap dispenses the exact amount of product for one shower

Texture : Light gel

Our commitment :
• Made in Brittany, France
• Cleansing base from natural origin.
• Formula tested under dermatological supervision
• Registered patent for an innovative formula
• 2 times less plastic***
• 2 times less CO2*
• Recyclable bottle made of 100% recycled plastic**
• Easily biodegradable formula
• 100ml formula for 40 showers (= as much as a 400ml bath & shower gel bottle)

1 product bought = 1 tree planted by the Yves Rocher Foundation

3.3 fl.oz. / 100 ml

* Compared to a 400 ml shower gel bottle
** Excluding additive
***Since it is in a compact bottle, it means that it contains 2 times less plastic and takes up 5 times less space to transport it to the store.

Format : Bottle

Reference: FC433

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