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Yves Rocher
The guarantee of a flawless line !

The Angled Eyeliner Brush is perfect for tracing very precise lines along the base of lashes with powder and liquid eyeliners. Its fine, beveled tip enables you to perfectly smooth out the product.

This brush is eco-designed:
- Wooden handle from sustainably managed forests
- Reusable packaging

For greater comfort during application and a longer lasting shelf life, all our brushes are made from 100% synthetic bristles.

Reference: 57604

How to use

Apply the eyeshadow or eyeliner to the edge of the brush bristles.
Sweep the product along the upper lash line, moving from the outside to the inner corner of the eye. Beauty tip:
This brush can also be used to blend and set pencil strokes.

Advice for tool maintenance: To extend the life of your brush, remember to clean it regularly, then let it air dry, lying flat.

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