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Yves Rocher

Flowers in the City, The Colorful, Urban Collection

Our colorful products will brighten up your beauty routine. Hurry to discover this exclusive limited edition.

Our Fruity Floral Swirls

Flowers in the City is above all a scent, a multicolored floral explosion, like street art in an urban setting suddenly enchanted anew. The fine balance between the radiant Rose of character and the sparkling freshness of Bergamot offers you a floral, sparkling, sensory journey.

You find it in the Eau de Toilette, spiced up by the energy of Marigold and Cedar wood. Combined with the Rose and the Bergamot, this Eau de Toilettewill carry you away.

Looking for a touch of freshness during the day? The Flowers in the City Mist is for you! The body and hair are delicately perfumed by the intoxicating perfume of this collection.

To extend your journey, we suggest you succumb to the Flowers in the City Shower Gel. The freshness of a swirl of vibrant floral notes and the radiance of Bergamot.


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