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Yves Rocher
Bundle details

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Discover the Yves Rocher beauty essentials in this discovery bag!

This kit includes :
- 1 reusable bag*
- 1 Pur Bleuet Gentle Makeup Remover (bottle 100 ml)
- 1 Concentrated Shampoo (bottle 100 ml)
- 1 Hydra Végétal Ultra-Fresh Cleansing Gel (tube 125 ml)
- 1 Relaxing Bath and Shower Gel - Magnolia White Tea Relaxing ( bottle 200 ml)
- 1 Purifying Mask (tube 30 ml)
- 1 Radiance Mask (tube 30 ml)
- 1 Replenishing Mask (tube 30 ml)
- 1 Exfoliating Scrub (tube 30 ml)
- 1 Sexy Pulp Ultra-Volume Mascara - Black - Travel Size (tube 2.5 ml)

$65 value

*The bag may differ depending on stock availability.

Reference: FC013

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